👋 Welcome to Stephanie’s email newsletter, The Latest, which launched in 2022. Subscribing below is the best way to keep up with her newest insights, inspiration, publications, and updates. And no spam. (We promise!)
The Latest
From Dr. Stephanie Cawthon
The Latest: Un-Checklists, FOMO, and Having Twins (July 2024)
The Latest: Special Offer | The Robe | Holiday Activity (December 2023)
The Latest: Our Best Selves Are Often One Click (or One Keynote) Away (November 2023)
The Latest: Checklists, Mic Drops, Capos — Oh My! (August 2023)
The Latest: Inside Scoop on That Chronicle Story (February 2023)
The Latest: A Year-End Question for You (December 2022)
The Latest: Faculty Equity | Student Partners | Thriving Campus (November 2022)
The Latest | Special Edition: A Roadmap to Transform Higher Ed (October 2022)
The Latest: Un-Victories, A11y, and Student Reviews (September 2022)
The Latest: Out of My Comfort Zone (August 2022)
The Latest: Living My Deaf-inition | New Infographics (July 2022)
The Latest: What’s Brewing This Summer (June 2022)
The Latest: Your Disabled Colleagues are Tired (April 2022)