“Accessibility is not just a 'to-do' list at work. It's a 'to-be' list in everyday life.”
Dr. Stephanie Cawthon
Disability Is Human:
The Vital Power of Accessibility in Everyday Life
Paperback and eBook now on Amazon | Coming soon to your local bookseller!
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Accessibility has the power to move the needle in your life and work — and help the people around you be their best selves
Are you ready to make the world more accessible?
Author Dr. Stephanie Cawthon draws upon more than 25 years of experience as a professional educator, groundbreaking researcher, and educational psychologist who dispels myths and raises expectations about disabled people.
In Disability Is Human, she brings the same energy and insights from her popular presentations and workshops in nearly every industry — where Dr. Cawthon has empowered, encouraged, and supported thousands of people in the journey toward greater access.
With relatable stories, real-world examples, personal experiences, and actionable tips, Disability Is Human is a breakthrough book that:
”Accessibility is not a diversity initiative. It’s a human initiative.
Dr. Stephanie Cawthon
Praise for Disability Is Human
Stephanie Cawthon’s ‘Disability is Human’ is an important book for anyone who wants to understand how the design of our environment communicates our values about how welcome people are in our community. It achieves this goal through stories that bring us into the lives of people with disabilities that help readers to understand the world through other people’s experiences, and by highlighting how accessibility affects people’s sense of being fully integrated into society.
Disability is Human has certainly found its way onto our AdaptX recommended reading list. It is a fantastic resource for advocates and organizations who want to address ableist tendencies and create more inclusive and accessible environments and opportunities.
With ‘Disability Is Human,’ psychologist and thought leader Dr. Stephanie Cawthon has contributed a seminal book to the world. With humor, compassion and rich personal stories as well as data and research, she demonstrates the vital contributions of disabled people to all our lives. She gently guides us away from harmful ableist biases, all with the intention of creating a kinder, wiser, and more diverse society.
A deeply intersectional book that weaves compassion and dignity into discussions resonant with identity politics: What it means to “pass” as able-bodied. How language shapes our experiences. How our bodies (and minds) shift in function over time, even as they are cast against the impossible backdrop of “normal” and “ideal.” Reminding us that “we are all only temporarily abled” – a phrase borrowed from Cindy Li – Stephanie Cawthon brings humanity to the experience of physicality in a way that deepens our connections to all the other bodies we encounter. I’ll be thinking about this book for a long time. Once you read it, you will, too.
This book is the perfect combination of lived experience, academic evidence, and “holy heck everyone come on this just makes sense and it’s not that hard.” Importantly, the starting point for access is shared humanity, not onerous federally mandated requirements (which truthfully usually are a minimum bar – rather than inclusive access). I’m adopting this book for my Introductory level “Disability as Identity: Differences Make Us Human” course. It’s written accessibly, with stories that keep your attention, and practical ideas for implementation throughout. The companion workbook just makes teaching all that much easier – saving class planning and prep time for student engagement and reflection.
Dr. Stephanie Cawthon is an exceptional leader who cares. Thanks to her work, we feel a sense of hope for the future.
Join The Movement
For too long disability has been shunned, stigmatized, and shut out. Now it’s time build an accessible world that embraces the humanity in all of us. Use this hashtag to share your story, connect with a community, and continue to tap the power of accessibility!
The Official Workbook
Disability Is Human: The Vital Power of Accessibility in Everyday Life | The Official Workbook
The Official Workbook is ideal for people who want to go to the next level — including people managers and leaders in every industry, teachers and activists, and even family members!
It has additional strategies, activities, and exercises for both individuals and groups — along with implementable plans and templates so you don’t have to start from scratch. Every workbook activity reflects Dr. Cawthon’s wealth of experience as an award-winning instructor and mentor.