👋 Welcome to the September edition of The Latest, where we’re making like NASA and setting our sights on the stars — so stay tuned for a big announcement next month!
This month’s newsletter is just 476 words — a quick 2-3 minute read.
📣 The Main Takeaway: Inspiration Videos Are…Complicated
Most of the time, those popular inspirational videos that feature disabled people are not so popular with us. In fact, we have a term for it.
Inspiration porn.
If that phrase makes you do a double-take, I explain it (and a lot more) in my new essay: I Hate Inspiration Videos. Here’s Why I Helped Produce One.
❤️ A Fierce Momma Bear Shares Her Story
Back with a follow-up is my friend and colleague, Cassie Franklin.
Longtime The Latest subscribers may remember that eighteen months ago, Cassie wrote a must-read op-ed on my blog: Hollywood is Starting to Understand Deaf People. When Will Our Schools?
In My Deaf Tween and Our Search for a Sense of Belonging, Cassie tells us about intolerable tolls, invisible backpacks, and identity-building.
It’s a must-read. And I’m grateful to Cassie for her bravery in sharing it. All of us — educators, caregivers, advocates, siblings, neighbors — can learn so much from it.
🫶 How You Language is the Story of Your Life
I was deeply saddened about the death of the incomparable Jon Henner, EdD, who we lost too soon to cancer. Remembering him and his impact helps us live his legacy.
My favorite Jon Henner quote: “How you language is beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you your language is wrong. Your languaging is the story of your life.”
Be like Jon. Let your honesty, humor, and quest for justice permeate your life.
🎤 Podcasts are Here to Stay. Now Make Them Accessible.
I’m a fan of podcasts. And I have been on several, most recently The Uplift (very accessible, thanks to Carole!) and The Agile Academic.
That’s why I wrote How To Host a Deaf Podcast Guest and posted it in my media room.
Podcasts aren’t just for hearing people. With a little effort and using the tips I share, every podcast can be for everyone.
🎃 Looking Ahead to October
Like fast-paced roundtable discussions? Join me at Exceptional Alliances 2023, a free online conference on October 20, where I’ll be on a panel with other experts in accessibility and inclusion.
Three legs of a stool. That’s the title of the workshop I’m co-presenting at 2023 SERID, to update state leaders on best practices in vocational rehabilitation planning for deaf people.
Flashback time! Last October, we were so excited to give The Latest readers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the impact report from our Microsoft-funded collaborative. You just might recognize many of its themes in next month’s special announcement… (Can’t wait to share!)
😷 And Finally…
I’m back on the road again for work travel. Trips are much less frequent than in the “before times.” Each one is more precious somehow.
With COVID cases surging and close ones who have and are suffering from its impact, I’m back in a mask for flying.
May you and your loved ones be safe!
Image description: Selfie of a woman standing against a black pillar. She’s got long blonde hair and is wearing a fitted mask. She’s wearing a light jacket with a backpack strap on her left shoulder.