Dr. Stephanie Cawthon’s proposed session for 2022 SXSW EDU, The Tyranny of Low Expectations: Ableism in EDU, needs your vote!
Make sure disability, equity, and access are part of the trending topics in education in 2022 by taking a minute to go to the session’s page, enter your email address, and “vote up.” Public voting is now through August 26.
Dr. Cawthon explains her session in this video (which includes a transcript in the description). As part of the Future20 format in the Equity & Justice track, the session will:
Explore how sympathy and our desire to “help” can lead to ableism and a disempowerment of disabled students and coworkers.
Address the tyranny of low expectations and its lifelong impact on disabled people reaching their full potential.
Provide strategies to empower and learn from disabled students, increasing equity through meaningful engagement.
The session is an ideal opportunity to learn about Dr. Cawthon’s groundbreaking research and evidence-based strategies that educators, employers, and families can apply in their work and lives — to empower disabled people to achieve greater success at school (and life), overcome systemic barriers, and reach their full potential.
Dr. Cawthon is familiar with the international conference and festival in Austin, Texas. She co-presented a popular, over-capacity session at 2021 SXSW EDU on reaching students with disabilities online during COVID-19.