The Research Leaders Academy at The University of Texas at Austin has invited Dr. Stephanie Cawthon to be a co-panelist on a vital topic for academy fellows, Building Partnerships and Coalitions, at a session on October 20.
The Research Leaders Academy is in partnership with the Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Endeavors (VPR). It is designed for established principal investigators (tenured or professional track faculty or research scientists) who aspire to lead or who are already leading large-scale research initiatives. Faculty fellows will learn how to scope a large-scale, shared scholarly vision with colleagues, secure external support to realize that shared vision, and successfully implement and manage their vision.
Dr. Cawthon’s co-panelist is Dr. Mary Neuberger, a professor of history in the College of Liberal Arts who is the director of the Center for Russia, East European and Eurasian Studies and the associate director of the Global Disinformation Lab.
Their conversation will be moderated by Dr. Cinda Christian, who is executive director of the VPR’s Research Collaborations & Impact division.