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Editor | Perspectives on Deafness | Oxford University Press

Stephanie was recently appointed the first deaf editor of Perspectives on Deafness, an Oxford University Press international book series on the leading research and practices with deaf people. 

She will edit the interdisciplinary series with Harry Knoors, who is professor of deaf education at Radboud University in the Netherlands. 

READ: Announcement from The University of Texas at Austin College of Education

For more than 25 years, Perspectives on Deafness has published authored and edited books that present the leading research and service provision on all topics relating to individuals with hearing loss. In that time, research on deafness has grown dramatically in quality, quantity, and recognition of its relevance to other domains. In particular, investigations involving deaf adults and children are now of considerable importance for those interested in both normal and atypical development, language, socio-emotional functioning, cognition, learning, and neurological function. The relationship between deafness research and education, linguistics, literacy, mental health, audiology, speech, and culture has captured increasing attention from a variety of investigators. 

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